We're offering franchise opportunities in Asian countries.

In recent years, the thinning hair population has continued to increase, it is now said that one in three people has trouble with thin hair. Recently, it is often featured in the media, the proportion of female customers as well as male customers is increasing.
We, Super Scalp, has more than 90 franchisee in Japan and Korea, they offer customers hair growth services based on Super Scalp Hair Growth Method. Amazing 98.7% of hair growth results from the accumulation of case data over many years. We would like to increase the number of franchisee in Asian countries such as Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore and spread excellent Super Scalp Hair Growth Method.
Why don't you join us and start hair growth business with Super Scalp Hair Growth Method? We will support you as franchiser!
If you would like to join us, please contact below.
Email: info@super-scalp.com


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